Inline Template Configuration and Ephox config

:confused: Forgive me if either of these have be answered in a previous thread but I haven’t been able to find it.

The CM System Upgrade Best Practices Word doc, under “Additional Post-Upgrade Steps: Inline Template Configuration” includes the instruction:

2 Add the attribute inlineSpanPriority="true" to all EditLive configuration files you are currently using.

My question: add the attribute to what/where?

Details: Running CM System v7.1.0, unpatched (not my call), and running into problems previewing a page template that contains a body field using an Ephox EditLive control. I was under the impression that our install had already been configured for ‘true inline templates,’ but troubleshooting today proved otherwise. I have completed steps 1 (In < CMSystemroot >\rx_resourses\ephox\plugins, change the name of the file rxEditLiveFormEncodeDecode.disabled to rxEditliveFormEncodeDecode.xml) and 3 (In the server properties file (\rxconfig\server\, set the property allowTrueInlineTemplates=true).

If inlineSpanPriority=“true” goes into elj_config.xml, can someone explain to which element I’m to add the attribute? htmlFilter maybe?

Java console shows the following error for every Content Editor that loads the Ephox control and the file will never be found because CM System no longer includes sample_eljconfig.xml in the install:

Java Plug-in
Using JRE version 1.7.0_07-b11 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
Starting using applet: com.ephox.editlive.applets.EditLiveJava
EditLive! Version:
Java VM Details: Vendor=Oracle Corporation  Vendor version=23.3-b01  Java Version=1.7.0_07
Default charset: Cp1252
Locale: en_US
Browser UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1
18:40:02:633 [ERROR] ELJApplet - -(AWT-EventQueue-4)	An error occurred while downloading XML file.
URL: http://ahrqrxdev1:9992/Rhythmyx/rx_resources/ephox/editlivejava/sample_eljconfig.xml  
Error: Connection failed or file not found 

How do I make the error go away?

TIA. – Bernadette

Hi Bernadette-

  1. Add the attribute inlineSpanPriority=“true” to the htmlFilter element.
    (This will force span tags to have priority order within an all inline set of tags).

  2. I think you will find the location of the link here so you can remove it:



Thanks, Sharyn. You’re always helpful.

Perhaps adding inlineSpanPriority is a necessary part of the fix, but it alone wasn’t sufficient. I can’t be sure what actually was the tipping point to get it working, but I saw something online yesterday, might have been in these forums, that stuck in my head and woke me up in the wee hours today about the parser choking on parameters in the opening HTML tag. Made me suspect the fact that we’re publishing out HTML5 based on the HTML5 Boilerplate using Modernizer.js. I changed all snippet templates used in the slot sys_inline_variant from using:

#set($dq = '"')
<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js" lang=${dq}#displayfield("rx:sys_lang")${dq}>


<!doctype html>

It didn’t fix the problem this morning after a reboot of the Rx Service and clearing my Java Cache (via Java Control Panel and manually in my C:\Users\bmacias\AppData\LocalLow\Ephox\ folder). I then tried changing one snippet template to use:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">

Rebooted. Caches cleared. Oh joy! it worked! Then mindlessly, I immediately tested using another snippet inline template and it worked! Then I remembered that I hadn’t changed any other snippet template since this morning, so I can’t explain it, but they all work now using:

<!doctype html>


I changed rx_resources/ephox/editlivejava/editlivejava.js lines 1746 & 1785

this.setConfigurationFile(EditLiveJava.downloadDirectory + "sample_eljconfig.xml");


this.setConfigurationFile(EditLiveJava.downloadDirectory + "../elj_config.xml");

Now loading a CE with an Ephox control complains:

15:34:37:820 [ERROR] EditorCommandHandler - -(Thread-143)	No valid licenses found.

But it doesn’t seem to interfere with functionality, so I’ll leave it unless anyone has a suggestion. Thanks everyone.
