inline templates disappearing from Ephox

I had inline templates working in Ephox before, but then I tried swapping out the snippets I was using, and now they are broken. Wondering if anyone has a clue what the problem could be.

I am able to search for the content item, and link it in, and some code inside a div gets inserted into the source in the Ephox editor. But the contents of the template don’t display in the Ephox wysiwig, and when I save the item, the div that got added disappears.

I tried putting back in the original snippet, so the fact that I changed what snippets I’m using may just be a red herring, and it may have already been broken.

Here’s the code that gets inserted (and then disappears on save):

<div style=" display: inline;" sys_dependentvariantid="758" rxinlineslot="105" sys_dependentid="51099" class="rx_ephox_inlinevariant" contenteditable="false" inlinetype="rxvariant" sys_siteid="" sys_folderid=""></div>

This thread led me to the answer:

The body Html of an inline template can’t have more than one child.