Inline Templates: how to edit/identify the embedded item

I have recently been working on a way to embed a table within another content item (inline variants), and after working through some issues, it is now working. However, after playing around for a bit, I have been unable to find a way to subsequently edit the embedded table, or even identify the content item from which it was generated.

I know that if I go through the content explorer, I can edit the table, and my updates will appear on the content item where the table has been embedded, however, from the standpoint of a day-to-day content contributor, How can an end user edit that table? As far as I can tell, there is not a button or function that will open the table(or any embedded inline content for thatmatter) and allow you to edit it, and there is no way to ask the table for it’s identification (contentID, system name, etc…).

To try to solve this, I thought I could simply add some code to the template, so when you hover your mouse over the inserted table, a pop-up div will contain the relevant information so you can find it in content explorer. While this works, it also is creating other problems, because I don’t want that div to appear during publish (of course) or during edit, since if you are editing the item, then you have already found it, and don’t need a pop-up telling you where to find it. I am having a hard time identifying parameters that might be useful in determining if I should show the identifying div.

Also: I can’t seem to find a way to edit an inline variant during active assembly. Is there a way to enable this?



I’m surprised that nobody has come up against this problem? When editing a content item, and you notice an inline variant that needs editing… nobody ever wonders exactly where it came from? :wink:


Not sure how far this helps, but.
One way to get to that item is through Impact Analysis.
Open the impact analysis of the parent item and right click on the inline item and click open, that will take you to the search results with that item.
As far as the help text to show up only during the editing.
You can add the help text conditionally, check for parameter sys_command and add the help text only if it’s value is edit.