Inline templates - preview showing last public revision

I know similar issues have been posted elsewhere, but I’m going to post this again in the hope a solution can be provoked or someone can point us towards somewhere the behaviour can be changed in our own systems through customisation.

That being - if you have a snippet template associated in the inline variant slot, and that snippet content item is quick-edited and checked back in (but not made public), the preview consistently shows the last public revision of the content rather than the edited content.

This doesn’t happen in the regular AA slots (at least it doesn’t if you add a sys_touchContentAndParentItems pre-exit to the relevant content type).

For us this means that, for example, someone puts an image snippet template inline in Editlive, and the same snippet template in an AA slot. All the content is made public, and you see the image rendered the same in both places in preview. The image is then edited with a different image uploaded, and the image content item checked in but remaining in quickedit state. The pre-exit then takes care of forcing the update of the AA slot but the inline slot continues to render the last public revision. The page in preview therefore shows 2 different versions of the same content item on the page.

I’m flabbergasted.

I have a partial workaround for our scenario, which involves taking the image (or file) binary location generated for use in the snippet via the bindings, and changing it from a simple



if($sys.assemblyItem.context==0) {$rx.location.generate($sys.assemblyItem, “template”).replace(‘sys_revision’,‘x’);} else {$rx.location.generate($sys.assemblyItem, “template”);}

which essentially just removes the sys_revision parameter from the url and forces the most recent checked in binary file to be used. This doesn’t take care of the fact the metadata around the image remains as it was since the snippet itself is being called with the last public revision - meaning alt text, width and height may not relate to the binary being shown, rather to the previous version.

I had thought I could go in and customise rx_InlineLinks.xsl as I’d done previously but sadly that option isn’t available any more with 6.7.

So, please anyone, where can I look to force this to function sensibly?

Cheers, Andrew


I’m trying to replicate this behavior. Thus far, I have:
[li]Created a snippet to be attached to content item through inline variant and AA slot, set to publish[/li][li]Inserted snippet as inline variant (EditLive) and added snippet to AA slot, set to publish[/li][li]Preview shows as expected[/li][li]Snippet moved to Quick-Edit[/li][li]Updated[/li][li]Preview: Inline variant shows latest revised version; AA slot does not show latest revised version[/li][li]Checked in[/li][li]Preview: Both inline variant and AA slot show latest revised version[/li][/ol]

Let me know if I missed a step because I’m seeing different results from what you’ve described.

You certainly are! It looks like this issue, which has been described the way I see it in other threads, isn’t happening in your system - either because you have a different version, patch level or set-up.

But it’s encouraging to know that your system doesn’t do what mine does, meaning hopefully I can track down the discrepancy here.

One question - are you doing this with an image snippet?

Also, do you have page and folder caching turned on in your Server Administrator, as I do?

Yes, I am experiencing the same behavior with both Image and Text snippets.

Page and folder caching is on.

Running Version 6.7.0 Build 200906P01 (3365)[CMS-69]

So, I tested a vanilla install and it does the same thing I described - I’m currently on Build ID 3199. I’ve just been informed by a colleague of patch CMS-29 though, which looks like it could be the fix!

So going to apply that to my vanilla…