Inline variant or link error

When saving an item where I’ve put an inline link or variant in, I get an error as follows:

<PSXLogErrorSet class=“Back end update processing” host=“ultron” port=“9992” protocol=“http” root="/Rhythmyx" rxroot=“http://ultron:9992/Rhythmyx”>
<Error id=“0”>
An error occurred processing the update submitted by session id 7f4d7fac0a91cc4ff87a6c686a2d94ba323b1477.
<Error id=“1”>
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: paramters cannot be null
<Error id=“2”>modify</Error>

I’ve checked all the parameters set for the inline link in code view against a vanilla install that works and there’s no difference.

Anyone any ideas??

I should have said this is a 6.5 system upgraded from 5.7 and that the inline slot ids appear to be correct in sys_templates/rx_templates.

Ok - created new inline link and variant slots, and I can save an inline link. Problem comes when updating it - for some reason. Strange.

All fixed. Upgraded inline slots may not have the Allowed Relationship Types set. Set to ActiveAssembly, everything fine…