Inline Variants adding content in twice

I created a list of links that I am adding in using the inline variant 4th option of ephox. When I preview the content in ephox everything looks fine, when I assemble the page using the page template it puts the content from the list in twice. Has anyone seen this issue before? And the only way to remove that item is using the code view, the the design view.

I’m seeing this as well. I’m curious if you figured out the cause of inline variants showing content twice when using the page template.

One question that comes to mind is does the snippet template that the inline variant is using contain a slot? If so, I’d check to the logic in the slot might cause that when running in the assembly context. In general, I’ve found that vanilla snippet templates without slots or any complex logic work fine, but the minute you have calls to slots in there, things can get not wprk so well, depending on what you’re doing.

I had this issue once while working for one of my clients. I can’t remember how we resolved the issue, but I think what it boiled down to was that the slot was picking up more than one revision of the slotted-in content item. Or, possibly more than one content explorer path of the content item.

Technically, inline variants shouldn’t allow Page templates to be used… only inline links should link to Page templates.

Anyway, test and see what happens when you select “Include folder id in slot” when you link to the item.