Inserting inline templates back to back issues (ephox)

We’ve encountered this problem across both mac and windows platforms and the various browsers therein. The problem is that when you insert inline Rhythmyx templates back to back, the ephox editor either

  1. inserts both of them within one containing div or
  2. if you see both of them and then hit the save button, when you preview the item again, the second template that was inserted is no longer visible (it has been removed).

By back to back, I mean that you insert one template, then immediately insert another template (with out pressing enter or going to the next line in the ephox editor). Is this something that we can fix?

This is almost certainly a bug, but I don’t see anything in the bug database that looks like this issue.

I encourage you to work with tech support: give them the details of exactly how to reproduce it, and what the resulting HTML looks like. We’ll see what we can do once we have this info.
