Installing the PSO Toolkit on Linux

This has come up a few times in recent weeks, so I thought I’d write it down once and for all.

The standard installation procedure for the PSO Toolkit has been to unzip the distribution into a directory (e.g. ~/deploy/PSOToolkit) and run the deploy.xml Ant script. This fails on most Linux systems because the Java compilers are incompatible.

The version of Java that comes with standard Linux distros is the GNU Java, largely because the Sun Java compiler was, until very recently, insufficiently “free” for the Free Software Foundation. While it’s possible to install Sun Java as the system level Java, this requires that you be an administrator.

A better way to do this is to install the Rhythmyx Patch installer (see the sticky post at the top of this forum).

Assuming you have created a user named “rhythmyx” and then installed Rhythmyx in the “Rhythmyx” directory, you can add these three lines to the .profile (or .bashrc) file in the /home/rhythmyx directory:

export RHYTHMYX_HOME=~/Rhythmyx
export ANT_HOME=$RHYTHMYX_HOME/Patch/InstallToolkit

After you’ve done this (and logged in again or sourced the modified .profile), you should be able to just rely on the $ANT_HOME and $JAVA_HOME environment variables:

~/deploy/PSOToolkit>ant -f deploy.xml

in some distros, you will need the full path:

~/deploy/PSOToolkit>$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -f deploy.xml

You can ignore the warning about tools.jar being missing. This is caused by the fact that you are using a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and not a Java Development Kit (JDK) as the JAVA_HOME environment. It’s not really an error.

Any instructions for uninstalling the PSO Toolkit 6 on Rhythmyx 6.5.2?

We’re having a problem with the upgrade from Rhythmyx 6.5.2 (Patch 14603 with PSO Toolkit 6 - build 85) to Rhythmyx 6.6.0 and/or Rhythmyx 6.6.1.

Basically, after upgrading, Rhythmyx exhausts all the available file descriptors because it repeatedly opens approximately two fd’s to Rhythmyx/server_run_lock every minute. So increasing the number of file descriptors only delays the inevitable.

I grepped the Rhythmyx file tree and the only reference I found to server_run_lock was in the java API docs for the PSO Toolkit.

I’ve already opened a ticket with TS (TAR#: MA-09-06-0023), assigned priority notable.

In conclusion, I’d like to try to apply the upgrade to a copy of our production environment that doesn’t include the PSO Toolkit 6.

BTW, I did try the following path: 6.5.2 -> 6.6.1 -> Patch RX-1408 -> PSO Toolkit 6.6, but that didn’t resolve the issue.

Do you see the following line in the logs:

PSOWFActionService: “Starting init thread…”

If not, then this is unlikely to be the root cause. However, if you want to uninstall, you have to remove the JAR and the extension registrations that begin with PSO…


Removing the PSOToolkit-6.5.jar after the upgrade to 6.6.1 resolved the issue. I then deployed the PSOToolkit-6.6, and no immediate issues have presented.