Internal Page for Site Navigation

It would be nice to have the ability to add a page that was not created in the “Navigation” section to the actual navigation without having to use an “External Link”. I tried all the options in the drop down but none would allow me to so I’m having to set them up as “External Navigation” right now.


We are actually looking into implementing a feature that would allow users to convert plain folders into sections and assign an existing page to be that section’s landing page, which would of course then appear in your CM1 Navigation. Would this achieve what you’re looking for?

Yes it would.

To add to this – and you might already be already aware of this, Matt – if you’re simply looking to add an existing page to your site’s navigation, you can currently do this by creating a new section in your navigation and then, in the Navigation view, drag the page in question from the Finder over to the newly created section and drop. This will convert the page into a section landing page and rename it to “index,” and subsequently rename the default section landing page to “index (1)” (which you can delete).

The limitation here is that if you want to maintain complex folder structures that had been built out as plain folders rather than sections, you will need to get creative in terms of renaming your old folders, creating the new sections using the same names, and manually dragging all of the old folder’s contents over to the new section folders. That’s where the value of this new feature really comes in.