IPSAssemblyItem changes in 6.7

Did something change about working with initslots between 6.5.2 and 6.7? In 6.5.2 I think that the $relresult would return an “IPSAssemblyItem” and in 6.7 it is returning “com.percussion.services.assembly.data.PSAssemblyWorkItem”. I was just wondering if something changed or if there is a way that I can convert the PSAssemblyWorkItem into an IPSAssemblyItem.

PSAssemblyWorkItem implemented all methods defined in IPSAssemblyItem, so there is no need for convertion. That means if your code works with IPSAssemblyItem (in 6.5.2), it should also works with PSAssemblyWorkItem (in 6.7).

Ok. I just noticed something wasn’t working during our upgrade, and the item that was causing it to break was our former IPSAssemblyItem. I just made a minor change and everything is working now.