IPSSystemService Interface

Is this interface available for Rhythmyx6.6? If not, which version is/was it available for?


Yes, this service is present in all versions for 6.0 onwards.

However, this service is internal and undocumented. The System Web Service (IPSSystemWs) is documented. It is also available in all versions from 6.0 onwards.


The problem is that IPSSystemService has a method call sendEmail() in which we were interested. However, IPSSystemWs doesnot appears to have this method.

Is there any other interface which has a similar sendEmail() method that would take a Mail Message object that implements IPSMailMessageContext or something and simply send out the Email?


So just out of curiosity, but why aren’t you implementing the IPSMailProgram and then specifying the class in rxconfig/rxworkflow.properties as CUSTOM_MAIL_CLASS=my.class.name?

We have done that with great success since 6.5.2 and are currently on 6.7.

Perhaps I do not understand your requirements.

[QUOTE=manvinder12;13951]The problem is that IPSSystemService has a method call sendEmail() in which we were interested. However, IPSSystemWs doesnot appears to have this method.

Is there any other interface which has a similar sendEmail() method that would take a Mail Message object that implements IPSMailMessageContext or something and simply send out the Email?


We do have a PSONotifications package that you can use to create custom emails. In fact, it does call the low level service, and also provides some useful classes for computing email addresses, etc.

You can contact me, either through PSO (because I know that they are working with you) or directly. This is probably too specific to be carried out in the forum.


Thanks Dave…I have talked to Ankit about it…and he will get in touch with you.