Is it possible to NOT automatically publish everything with an Auto Slot query in it?

We still have some 5.7 applications on one of our Rhythmyx 6.5.2 instances that was upgraded from 5.7.

On one of these apps it uses an old style XML query assembler to pick the latest of a certain content item (a poll) and populate a slot with it. The calling content item is an article that gets updated with the current poll.

The article item usually just publishes once and has the poll reference that was current when it is published. If an article would happen to get republished for some reason it would get whatever was the current poll but that’s not a problem for us as these instances were rare.

However I am concerned about converting this app to a 6.5.2 style velocity template because if the current poll is queried by a new-style auto slot wouldn’t every article be published in every edition because they have auto slot queries in them? That’s more or less what happening in our other Rhythmyx site for items with new-style auto slots on them.

How can I have an article query for the current poll item only when it gets published the first time or when it is changed instead of in every edition?

our system: Rhythmyx 6.5.2 w legacy 5.7 apps.

Instead of using an automated slot, you can try locating the content items that you want to include with $rx.db.get(). At that point, you could either build assembly items on the fly for the returned content ids, or just access the content directly from the database results. This sort of approach will not cause the content items to be marked as modified, so it will fit with your requirements.