Is there a known issue with Java 1.6.0_13??

We have noticed loading issues with the content explorer and Java version 1.6.0 update 13.

The application displays an applet loading window which does not disappear and the content explorer is not usable for a long while (the egg timer cursor displays and nothing is clickable for up to 10 minutes).

Is this a known issue? Clients with 1.6.0 update 7 do not experience the issues.

Many thanks


Scrap that… it seems to happen with 1.6.0 update 7 as well

It says Retrieving Applet state information and reaches 100% and just sits there… this happens in both Firefox and IE7

CX should load fine with JRE 6 update 7 and 13.

I would suggest opening a support ticket so we can look at some logging on your system to identify what is causing your problem.

Does the client in question have more than 1 JRE installed? What browser are you using? Is the behavior reproducible on other browsers?

There are known issues when clients attempt to use the Cx with multiple JREs. We strongly recommend uninstalling all but the most recent JRE.

It is actually the same issue as my colleague has flagged (rather more eloquently) here:



[quote=AdamBush;8923]It is actually the same issue as my colleague has flagged (rather more eloquently) here:



I’ve responded to the post you’ve indicated.
