Is there a recycle bin in Percussion that will restore accidentally deleted pages?

Similar to this question: Is there a recycle bin in Percussion that will restore accidentally deleted pages?

If not, are there any plans for one in the future? Or is there another way to retrieve a page?

Note: This topic was created from a reply on the I Accidentally Deleted a Folder topic.

I would like this as well

Great idea! That would be super useful! Same thing to Assets and Custom Widgets! Please add this… before users messed it up:

Anyone at Percussion checked this? This is a must have feature. It’s been 3 years and no response from Percussion. 

We have a big meeting yesterday about Percussion and the “recycle” bin. I think you guys should create a page that showcase all deleted pages/assets either on Percussion or backend (similar to remove Custom Widget). 

This issue came up for us when an overseas user accidentally deleted an asset and did not have it saved locally.  Due to the time difference, weren’t able to solve the issue until the next day. A trash bin for assets/pages/custom widgets would be very useful. 

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Reverse Delete a Folder.

I know there are tons of topics on this from the past, but has anything been done about this recently? I recently deleted a folder by accident that contained a lot of content, and it would be great if I could reverse the delete without having to recreate the folder and all of its content. Has Percussion released anything that allows users to recover deleted folders and content?

Is there a way to recover a deleted folder?


Unfortunately there is not a way to roll back after deleting such content. A feature that would automatically backup and allow the user to recover site content through the user interface might be useful to a lot of customers, however. If you think so too, feel free to post this as an Idea on here to get this potential feature on Product Management’s radar.


Hi Nathaniel

Thanks. I’ve already recreated the folder and the corresponding pages. I will do just that.

Thanks again

Similar to this question: Is there a recycle bin in Percussion that will restore accidentally deleted pages?

If not, are there any plans for one in the future? Or is there another way to retrieve a page?

This is a great conversation that’s separate from the main topic, so I created a new topic to continue the discussion. Please reference the new topic here: Is there a recycle bin in Percussion that will restore accidentally deleted p…

I would like this too



Any progress on this? It’s been 7 days since then… :wink:

Today, I accidentally deleted a folder from my site. Currently there is no way to recover deleted site content.
Adding a feature that would automatically backup and allow users to recover deleted site content in the user interface would be useful.

I was just talking with my coworker and discussing a few things with our new website we are about to launch. He asked about retrieving files that people deleted on accident, which happens more than it should.

I know I can retrieve files, not managed by Percussion, by using our backup’s that we make on a regular basis. But it would be nice to see some sort of “Retrieval” in CM1 at some point.

It would be nice if files, pages, etc could be put in a state of “Deleted” but not actually deleted until after a certain period of time like 15 or 30 days. The only person that would need the functionality would be Admin’s.

Just a thought I had. I know with some of the open source CMS’s that are database driven have this option. I think it would be a great addition to CM1.

I like this idea, but wonder instead if they can do a type of count down - says “This file will be deleted in ____ minutes/hours” and allow the user that initiated the delete to select an Undo to cancel the deletion process.