Is there a way to turn a folder into a section?

If at some later point I decide to include a folder in the managed navigation, is there a way to associate a landing page so that it becomes a section?

First, rename the folder to something else (assuming you want the section to use the current folder name).
Then, create the new section in the Navigation view.
Finally, move the pages from the folder to the new section folder by dragging them within the finder to the section folder.

If you want one of the existing pages from the folder to be the landing page of the new section, drag it from the Finder onto the new section in the Navigation view. This will assign it as the landing page, renaming it to “index”, and renaming the previous landing page to “index (1)”.

To add to Jay’s answer, there is a FAQ and video for this here:…

I have logged a Feature Request to allow for “Folders” to be dragged to the Navigation Tree to convert them to Sections.

Michael, I think that would be a great feature. I have used the process Jay described on several folders before and while it works great, it is a bit tedious.

I would really like this too please! I had a staff member create a really extensive folder structure that now I will have to mannually rebuild.

Hi Sandy,

At the moment, this feature is under consideration for version 3.3. The final decision as to what features will be making the cut is just around the corner, so please feel free to create an Idea topic for this proposed feature to drum up some support.

Additionally, or instead of, I’d like to see the ability to convert a Folder to a Section via the Finder, maybe just in the Folder Properties window if that’s easier. Or simply be able to Add a section through the finder action menu (just like where one + Folder). Reasoning here is we don’t allow our contributors to access the Navigation Screen (tree view of site), but would like them to be able to add sections instead of just folders so the new areas show up in the breadcrumbs we use.