Is there an impact analysis option for the assets?

Patty, can you elaborate a little on the type of information you are looking for?

Impact analysis as you know it in CM System, that is the ability to view from the UI the dependent/ancestor relationships of a content item (page or asset in CM1), is not currently available.
We have plans to include this functionality in CM1 for future releases where you will have the ability to view all the pages that use a specific asset.

In cm1 this feature is called as Site Impact and will be available in next release(2.7).
For any given asset, user can see all the pages and templates that are using the asset.

JB can you attach a screen shot if you have one? I think it would be cool to see an early rev of what you’ve coded! If not no worries. :slight_smile:

Is this still available in 3.3.4

Yes. There is no plan to deprecate this feature.

Where might one find this? I know I have seen it in the past but now I can’t seem to locate it!

You can find it whenever you edit a shared asset. See this help topic for details: Viewing Where a Shared Asset is in Use

Great to know! Thanks Dan.

This was delivered in 2.7