Issue with Inline Image Publish Location in Velocity Template

We are having a problem with inline images. The location for the inline image isn’t resolving to the publish location, it remains the internal rhythmyx url. The issue only seems to be when we are using a Velocity template. With the old 5.7 style xsl templates the publish location for the inline image is being generated as expected.

The inline image slot seems to not be getting parsed to convert the internal images location to the publish location via the location scheme. Is there an exit or extension that needs to be applied to the field that contain the inline image?

We are on version 6.5.2, patch RX-13370.



take a look at your slot: sys_inline_image (same goes for sys_inline_link and sys_inline_variant) - check for the Content types allowed in Allowed content selector.
This will give you an idea of where to look for the location schema. You may have a wrong or incorrect type that is utilizing improper context or pub location schema.

Hope you all are doing great at ATC :slight_smile:


Hey Mike,

nice to hear from you. Things are going good.

As for the issue, we’ve been able to confirm the context and location schemes are correct. And we were able to get the inline image to work with a new content type. The location for the inline image just doesn’t seem to be resolving to the correct pub location within the Velocity template for the legacy content type (Article_2), which was converted from the old 5.7 system.
