Item not created in folder

Hi there

I’m experiencing a puzzling problem. I’ve created a new content type with its own workflow. Everything works fine, with the exception that when I create a new instance of this content type in a folder, the new item is created, but is not in the folder.

Initially I thought that this might be a problem with display formats or community visibility, but this doesn’t seem to be the case.

When I search for the item in Content Explorer, I can find it, but it doesn’t have a folder path associated with it. The same applies when I do a search in the Query Debugger - the jcr:path field is empty.

I’ve considered all the possibilities I’m aware of, but now I’m stumped! I’m thinking it might have something to do with the new workflow, but as I cloned this from an existing one (which I’ve done successfully several times before), I’m not sure what it can be.

Any ideas or suggestions very gratefully received!


Have you looked at the server logs to see if there are any errors thrown? Also what happens when you attempt to move it into a folder (after you have searched for the item)?

Hi there

Thanks for the response. Nope, haven’t checked the logs as I don’t have access to the server, but will ask IT to send them to me.

When I search, I can drag the item into the folder as a linked item and everything works as it should. It’s all very strange. I’ve created many content types before, and nothing like this has ever happened.


The only time something similar to this that I have encountered was when there was a conflicting name in the folder (so the item was created, but it couldn’t be “linked” to the folder, so it showed up in community content / search with no folder path). However, you mentioned that you could add it to the folder after the fact, so this is clearly not the issue here.

If you are an admin (have access to the admin tab), you might see if “log dump” in the console will give you anything interesting (note that it is not the same as the server log). Good luck tracking it down!

Thanks Jitendra. I’ll investigate the logs. We’re on 6.52, so I don’t have an admin tab, but I’ll see if I can access the console via server administrator and try the log dump from there.


OK, I’ve cracked it! By a tedious process of elimination that involved completely re-creating the content type, it turns out that the problem was that I had a file upload field called document as part of the content type.

For reasons I don’t understand, it was this field (or it’s name probably) that meant that the item was not being created in the folder. I’ve now created a new field of the same type, but with a different name, and it appears to be working. All very strange!