item not publishing


i have created a new variant with the following details:

Output form: Page
Active Assembly Format: Non-HTML
Publish When: default

I have set up a location scheme for this variant as follows:

Generator: rxs_SiteFolderAssembly
name / String / 10 / rss.xml

I have created a piece of content, set it to public but it does not appear in my content list and therefore does not publish.

I can’t think what i am missing here. anybody any clues where to start looking to investigate this.



can anybody help with this please. this is the first time i have tried to create/publish xml. do i need to do anything special. should the variant be marked as non-HTML or normal.

the content type i am using is an old content type but this is the first page variant. i don’t know why it won’t appear in my content list and publish.

would be grateful for any help.


Hi there

If the output is a Page, then surely it must have at least some HTML, therefore selecting HTML instead of non-HTML should ‘fix’ the issue, in my view.


Hi Cara

the output is a page but has not html. it is an rss feed, so xml file only.


however i have changed active assembly format to Normal and publish when to default. item still does not appear in content list.



I have attached a screenshot of our RSS template settings (general tab) which may help as ours publishes fine.

Hope this helps,

Hi Cara

Is this the only default template you have with this content type?

Have you assigned a site to the XML template?



all of the other variants for this content type are set to active assembly format normal and publish when never. This is the only page template set to normal, default.

I am using 5.7 and in the system tab registration for the variant I have my sites assigned.



i have never tried to publish a file as XML before so don’t know if there is something different i need to do from the html files i usually publish.


Hi Jimbo

Is this the only default template you have with this content type?
Yes, it is.

And our usual sites have been added to the template. It all looks pretty straightforward in the workbench, but then again my colleague built this CT.


Hi Michelle

Are you using a custom content list or an out of the box one?


hi jimbo

we have a custom publisher plugin written by percussion consultants. I know very little about the internal workings of it, but as far as i know it is based on the out of the box publishing for “normal page” publishing. the difference is that we have a content type that contains snippets, and these snippets are published as individual files.

i have never had a problem before setting up new content types and publishing them in the normal way.

do i need to do something special for xml publishing. i could understand if what was published was incorrect, but don’t understand why my content item wouldn’t appear in the content list.


Hi Michelle

Does your publisher plugin require the field default_variantid? Has this been set in the content type?


Hi jimbo

not that i am aware of. i did put that field in the ce yesterday but as per my previous post had trouble populating it and then when i did manage to populate it, my xml variant was the only item in there so i removed it from the ce again.

here is an extract from the doc we received from percussion about our publishing.

Our custom content list is called from the Publishing process using the application /Rhythmyx/PO_Support_pub/wireframe_list.xml and is based on the standard site folder publishing mechanism. The differences between this process and the standard SFP process are solely to do with the interception of approved content types and the pulling apart of wireframe content items.
2.2.3 Deciding which content items to accept
The exit placed in the /Rhythmyx/PO_Support_pub/wireframe_list.xml application is called po_FragmentContentListGenerator and accepts a number of parameters; the first 11 parameters are exactly the same as the SFP exit in /Rhythmyx/rx_Support_pub/wireframe_list.xml, but there are two additional parameters which need to be added. These are detailed in the following table;

Parameter name Purpose
AcceptableContentId Content Type ID of wireframe
ArticleContentTypeID The list of content IDs that are published by this plug-in. The list is comma separated.

AcceptableContentID is the id of our Wireframe content type. This is the content type that contains snippets which are pulled out by the publisher and published as individual files.

The ArticleContentTypeID are our other content types that are published as “normal pages”. I have put the content type id of my new variant in this field.

All other variants of this content type are snippets which are assembled into wireframes and published as individual files. This is the first “page variant” that i have tried to produce from this content type.


Hi Michelle

Do you have any other content type which successfully publish full pages and fragments? or is this the first one?

>>i did manage to populate it, my xml variant was the only item in there so i removed it from the ce again.

Did you see if the item was included in the content list after the default_variantid was included?


Hi Jimbo

thanks for trying to help but for some reason using this content type and trying to publish a full page has broken all of the snippet publishes so i am going to undo everything i have done and start again with a new content type.

will be making another post as i have no idea how to go about this.
