Java heap space error


We’re getting this error in publishing when we’re part way through a content list that publishes binary files (using the ‘file’ content type).

Anyone any ideas of cause and fix?


The cause is that you are running out of memory.

The are a couple of potential fixes:

  1. Allocate more memory by changing the settings in the appropriate .ja file.
  2. Break the content list up into smaller “pages”.

The exact techniques differ by product version.

How can I increase the heap size for the publisher in 6.5.2?

We are getting the same error.

Also, if running on unix, I think most systems will only give the java vm 2 gigs due to the way the OS manages contiguous free ram.

We have had this error too, but in our case it was a huge Powerpoint file that caused the problem. Getting the user to convert the file to PDF and getting rid of the .ppt file solved the issue, but only after trying everything else.

Have a look at the size of the binary files you are trying to publish and check the properties of the file the publish fails on to see if it is likely to cause a memory problem.

You have to create a RhythmyxServer.ja file. This file includes JVM options, including “-Xmx” to set the heap size, and “-Xms” to set the stack size. You’ll have to play around with the values. If you have a lot memory in the machine, start with “-Xms512M -Xmx512M” and go from there.


[QUOTE=dbenua;4117]You have to create a RhythmyxServer.ja file. This file includes JVM options, including “-Xmx” to set the heap size, and “-Xms” to set the stack size. You’ll have to play around with the values. If you have a lot memory in the machine, start with “-Xms512M -Xmx512M” and go from there.


We’re using a remote publisher, so in order to increase the heap size we had to update the file AppServer/bin/run.conf, I also updated the number of items per page in the contentlist to 25 .

This takes care of the Java Heap error, however I am seeing a few connection timeout errors when doing a full publish. Any ideas on how to fix that?

  • Chris

Session timeouts are frequently caused by items that take a long time to assemble. Looking in the publishing logs, you should be able to determine which items are taking the longest, and determine if there are ways to simplify (or optimize) those item templates.