JCR query and child fields

How can I access a content types child field data through a JCR query?



To access a simple child (a child edited in the parent editor, such as a sys_checkboxgroup or a sys_dropdownmulitple), you can query the node normally.

Accessing a complex child (a child edited in a separate pop-up editor) is not currently supported, but is under consideration for a future release.


Thanks for that.

It was the latter unfortunately, so I’ll rethink what I’m doing.

To access a simple child (a child edited in the parent editor, such as a sys_checkboxgroup or a sys_dropdownmulitple), you can query the node normally.

How would you reference the check box group in the JSR query? Our content type is Forms, and the check box values are stored in the “Forms_CategoryForms_Set” database table
