jQuery UI templates/snippets

Is anyone building templates or snippets that use jQuery UI? Curious what snippets people may have created for these already, I’m thinking the tabs and accordion but would like to know what others have implemented.

Also has anyone used any other JS libraries or other methods to build user interfaces?


Hello Chris,

Not sure if you have seen this? One of my co-workers did a Webinar on building dynamic frontends using jquery the forum posting with the video is here:


Slide shows are another popular use of jquery UI.


We use jQuery in our templates and also in a custom control. There’s really nothing particularly special about using it as it’s another Javascript library. In the global template, we have a combination of velocity logic and Javascript in the $.ready() method that support various requirements we have such as placing an icon after links that are external, a video carousel and transferring options from one multi-select box to another. I’d be happy to share what we have with you if you like.


Hi Chris,

We have created templates using JQuery including a tabbed structure. In our implementation, the content of each tab, formatted with the necessary html structure required for the jquery code, is saved as a separate content item. Each content item is then slotted into a parent content item. The template of the parent content item compiles all the slotted items and adds wrapping html/css. The global template calls the external jquery js code. And of course with any borrowed code you find online, we had to tweek the css and some of the js code to fit our site.
