JSPs in 5.7


Does anyone know how I can deploy a JSP in 5.7?

I have a JSP ready and working, and it needs nothing to do with Rhythmyx, it just needs to run on the Rhythmyx server on the same port (ie 9992).

I have it running fine at the moment in : \Rhythmyx\AppServer\webapps\mydir\example.jsp

However, this means I need to use port 9980.

Can anyone help? - I can’t believe it’s that difficult - I suspect some reconfig of one of the web.xml files may be the answer, but not being a Java boffin, and with zero Percussion documentation on the subject, I don’t really know where to start!

Thanks in advance.


You can’t really do this in 5.7, as the “AppServer” runs in a different process and responds to a different port (by default 9980) than the standard server port. The process that listens on the standard port (by default 9992) is a custom written Java process, and it knows nothing about JSPs.

In 6.x, of course, you just drop your JSP into the user/pages directory and you are done, but this doesn’t work in 5.7



Oh, ok. Thanks Dave for your definitive (and prompt) answer. - Back to the drawing board I guess.

Tell us more about what you are drawing on the board, and we might have some suggestions for you.
