JSR-170 SQL - String Functions - First Character

Hi, I’m trying to write a SQL query to use in an auto index slot which looks at the first letter of a string. I’ve attempted to use all the expressions I’d use in a SQL query normally such as LEFT(String, 1), SUBSTRING(String, 1, 1) and SUBSTR(String, 1, 1) but none of these work in a JSR-170 SQL query, does anyone know how I can do this? I can’t find any information on string functions in JSR-170 SQL queries anywhere…

Thanks, George

I’ve found a solution…I’m using less than “<” and more than “>” on strings, so If i want to get all string which start with A or B I write…

Where string < ‘C’

The JCR Spec doesn’t define any “Column functions” in the manner that SQL does, and our implementation does not contain any such functions.


Hi George

What about

SELECT rx:sys_contentid, rx:sys_folderid FROM rx:yourContentType WHERE rx:displaytitle like 'A%'
