jsr query with more than one table


is it possible to write a jsr query using more than one table. I am trying to select all custom html snippets with the same keyword set as a content type but when i try and use the syntax: rx[table name].[field] im getting errors.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

Hi Lisa

As long as the keywords are stored in a shared field you can do this:

SELECT rx:sys_contentid, rx:sys_folderid FROM rx:table1, rx:table2 WHERE rx:shared_keyword = 'your keyword'


Great thanks. I now have my jcr query working but i cannot seem to narrow it down to the current site or community.

select rx:sys_contentid, rx:sys_folderid, jcr:path from rx:CustomHTML where rx:sys_communityid= :comm_id and rx:sh_business_category= :bus_cat or rx:sh_product_category= :prod_cat or rx:sh_bundle= :bund_cat

The binding is set and i am displaying the values but i’m still getting content from another site?

Never mind - i was missing my brackets - works fine now.