LDAP setting custom user attributes

Is it possible to create additional user attributes from LDAP authentication that can be made available to the user context other than the three required LDAP Attributes.

Yes - see Chapter 4 of the Rhythmyx Administration Manual. In the section “Implementing LDAP Directory Services”, it discusses how to expose “Return Attributes” when configuring a Directory (see the “Directory Editor” sub-section for details).

Thanks for the pointer to the information. However whilst Chapter four only seems to explain how to map the required attributes, objectAttributeName, emailAttributeName and roleAttributeName. It doesn’t appear to have any information about mapping additional user attributes retrieved from LDAP.


I believe you are looking at the wrong section. Those 3 attributes are used to map attributes in the LDAP directory to known values in Rx for use by other subsystems.

When you say ‘create,’ what do you mean exactly? Are you asking if it is possible to define your own attribute ‘on the fly’ for a member? If so, that is not possible. If you are asking if it is possible to make an attribute defined in LDAP available to Rx code, that is possible (see page 78.) By leaving the table blank, all attributes defined in LDAP should be available within the Rx server. If you only want to make certain ones available, add them to the table.