License not working after upgrade to CM1 2.8

After upgrading to v2.8, our license does not appear to be working.

When I click the “Activate” button on the License Monitor, the Registration Form doesn’t load.


This most likely has to do with the firewall on the machine CM1’s runs on blocking your outbound activation code. The License Monitor gadget requires outbound HTTPS (port 443) access to Can you ask your IT department if they can give your CM1 machine such access?

For reference, you can find more information on how the License Monitor pings our servers and what access it requires in this help document:…



Our Percussion server was able to talk over 443, but it wasn’t using our proxy. I will work with our IT department to get this resolved. Thanks!

Ok, please let me know if you encounter any issues setting this up.


Were you able to open your firewall to HTTPS port 443 and activate CM1 successfully?

For other customers referencing this post, we have added more information relating to this activation issue to our product registration help document:…



Our IT security department is asking if it’s possible to configure Percussion to use a proxy when it goes out over HTTPS.


Unfortunately, at the present time there is no supported way to use a proxy server for this connection. Engineering is actively looking into a solution that will allow customers to proxy this connection in the future.

If this is something your IT department is concerned about, a workaround would be to temporarily open the firewall to HTTPS port 443, activate your CM1 code, and then close the firewall again.

The drawback to this is that the new heartbeat service in CM1 2.8 will suspend your license after 60 days of no connectivity, at which point you will no longer be able to publish your site until you reactivate your license. To do this, all you would have to do is reopen your firewall, allow the license gadget to re-confirm your license, and then close the firewall again. You read more about the heartbeat service here:…

We anticipate that you would only have to perform this step once, at which point engineering expects to have a much more robust solution for customers who would rather not leave HTTPS port 443 open through their firewall.

Let me know if this is an acceptable solution for you.
