License numbers in profiles?

Can users see license numbers in the public profile, or is it limited to admins? It seems like a bad idea to show this data.

Field is required, editable, private, not searchable and doesn’t show in the members list. Let me know if you find it to be otherwise.

Well, I see it when I examine the public profile of any user. But I’m an admin, so maybe that’s why.

Have you verified this with an “ordinary user”?

from my test customer registration, I can’t see license number from the members list or user profiles.

I’m seeing the license number as the “Location” in some posts, particularly by Bob Johnson (in the doc forum). Could you check that this isn’t happening for your test user ?

I just checked this user profile:

…and saw the licence number…

Full Name:
Roz Horton
License Number:
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