Lifecycle analysis report

I am trying to create lifecycle report. It gives a macro security alert stating the digital signature has expired. I selected ‘enable this content’ option but then it gives me following error
1001 Failure to connect to the Rhythmyx server. Please check custom properties

I checked the custom properties. They look right. How do I resolve this?


Hi there

I had a similar problem and it was resolved by installing Excel on the server(s) where Rhythmyx is installed.


Hello Cara,

We installed Excel on the server where Rhythmyx is installed, but that does not seem to solve the problem for us. Dont know what we are missing here?

Could be this bug . The fix is included with the latest patches.

RX-15804 - Digital signature expired for Lifecycle analysis

Once you’ve downloaded the excel file, encountered your errors, etc., save the file to your local machine. Then, in Excel, go to File > Properties > Custom tab.

At the bottom of that tab, you will find several custom properties. Click on the one marked rx_server, then change the value to match what you’d normally use to access Rhythmyx in your browser. If you did not use the default ports when you installed Rhythmyx on the server, you’ll probably have to edit rx_port too. And of course, make sure rx_protocol is correct. Be sure to click the [Modify] button after changing each value, or your change to each won’t be saved.

Once you’ve made those changes, save the Excel file, close the Excel file. Now re-open it. You should get the expired digital signatures warning, but after you bypass that, you should be prompted for your user name and password. If you get “Failure to connect to the Rhythmyx server. Please check custom properties,” go back and check the File > Properties > Custom tab.

If you’re the only person in the Report_Admin role, feel free to ignore the next suggestion, and just keep that Excel file on your desktop. If there are other people that need to do Lifecycle Analysis, do the following.
Upload the file back to the Rhythmyx server into the <Rhythmyx-Root>/rx_reports/ directory. Lastly, open Workbench > UI Elements Design > Content Explorer > Menu Entries > User > Lifecycle_Analysis. Go to the Command tab of that and ensure that the URL is “…/rx_reports/LifecycleAnalysisTemplate.xls.” Doing that will ensure that you will get the correct file whenever you click Lifecycle Analysis in the Content Explorer.

Now note that the digital signature problem, at least for 6.7, has been fixed in the latest patch, so when you apply the patch, you’ll have to make these corrections to the custom properties again.

Thanks, that worked