Limit content items per page


We have one or two folders where 1000’s of content items have built up over time. This is causing problems for some users who try to view what is in these folder.

There are two things we’d like to do:

  1. These items are all the same content type. We’d like to remove all but the most recent 100 or so using a SQL query.

  2. Place a limit on the number of items which Content Explorer can load per page. I have done this before using ‘Application/system/sys_cxViews’ for the Inbox view, but how can I do the same thing for site/folder content?



I should add that we are using RX 6.7.

Hi Chris,

For Views and Searches you can limit the results returned either as a property of the search of by updating the MAXIMUMITEMS column on the PSX_SEARCHES table. The default for some of these is -1 which means no limit. I think changes to the XML app will get overwritten on upgrade so you may want to shift that limit to the database table.

I don’t know of an easy way to limit the number of items returned or allowed in a Folder. I don’t think Content Explorer has the ability to page the items in a folders based on a limit, but can definitely see why that woud be usefull.

In general at @300 items it is best to start re-organizing content into sub folders for best performance of the UI.
