Limiting API search to maximum number of results


I’m trying to limit a FindItems(…) Web Service search by setting the startindex and endindex search properties:

public PSSearchResults[] FindItemsByContentTypeId(int id)
    FindItemsRequest req = new FindItemsRequest();
    PSSearch search = new PSSearch();
    PSSearchParams param = new PSSearchParams();
    param.Properties = new PSSearchProperty[] {
        new PSSearchProperty() { name="startindex",Value= "0" },
        new PSSearchProperty() { name="endindex", Value= "25"}
    param.Parameter = new PSSearchField[] { 
        new PSSearchField() { name = "sys_contenttypeid", Value = id.ToString()}
    search.PSSearchParams = param;
    req.PSSearch = search;
    return service.ContentService.FindItems(req);

However, the search always returns all rows. I’m sure I’m making a simple mistake here – anyone know what’s going wrong?

Thanks – Matt Lester