Link Automation in 7.2

Reading the release information for 7.2 I noticed that there is link automation that will take unmanaged links and turn them into managed links. Could anyone provide some insight on how to get this setup and if there are any requirements on having this other than with using version 7.2. Mainly if it is based on publishing scheme (I would guess it is).


There is more info on how it works and setting it up in the Release Notes Guide.

Pasting intro below, it mainly involves setting a property and creating a content type to handle external links.

  1. Link Automation
    This feature allows content contributors to use a new menu under Tools in Ephox Edit-live fields to automatically convert non-managed, hyperlinksin Ephox fields
    to inline templates to managed items in the CMS.

For URLs with the same domain/ alias of managed sites, the URL structure is used to either identify and link to items if they already exist in the expected folder
path in the CMS, or create new items of type Managed Auto Link in Folders in Content Explorer if they don’t. If a Managed Auto Link item is created in Folders, once its corresponding item is created in the expected folder location under a managed site and transitioned to a workflow state, a workflow action associated to a transition identifies the original Managed Autolink item, deletes it, and replaces the inline template link to point to the new item instead.

For hyperlinks in Ephox linking to external links, the Generate Managed Links creates inline templates either linking to existing External Link items in Folders in the Content Explorer or it creates new items in the folder path determined by the URL structure.
