Links button not working with assets

I’m running the latest version of CM1 and have noticed a small issue. My coworker was trying to add a hyperlink to a PDF file so he clicked the LINK button and then navigated to the asset folder that the PDF is in and got this error “Please select a Page.”

Hi Matt,

Thanks for posting this. I am seeing this behavior locally as well. It appears to affect links to all File assets. I will do some more testing, and then I intend to file a critical bug report. I will keep you closely updated as we move towards identifying a solution for this problem.

In the meantime, you can create the link as normal, and then in the URL text field, instead of browsing through the asset library, manually paste in the path to the asset (which can be copied out of the CM1 address bar when the asset has been highlighted).


We have released a patch for Percussion 3.1 that addresses this issue. You can find the patch and the readme, which contains installation instructions, here:…