Loading CSS file as part of AssociatedFileList on custom control

I am playing with adding Bespin as a code editor control to our Rx installation and I can not figure out the magic words to load a CSS file as an AssociatedFile. link and style both do not work (it simply ignores the configuation) and script obviously doesnt work since it try’s to load the CSS in a script tag.

Also while i am here do you just have to always reboot the server whenever you make a change to the rx_Templates.xsl file? Very annoying…

<psxctl:FileDescriptor name=“BespinEmbedded.compressed.css” type=“script” mimetype=“text/css”>
<psxctl:FileDescriptor name=“BespinEmbedded.compressed.js” type=“script” mimetype=“text/javascript”>

I found the DTD and it says it allows ‘css’ but the template ignores the setting. Dug into activeEdit.xsl and I can see that the only “type” it does anything with is script.

Dumped the CSS in the existing template.css for now. Going to have to figure something else out in the long run.