Loading DropDownMultiple values into a content item via LoaderData.xml

I’m investigating the process by which we can load content items from a database into Rhythmyx via the Loader tool (C#). But when I use the LoaderData XML below, only the first value of the officer_type field items is stored in the content item. Officer Type is a dropdown field that accepts multiple selections, so is there something different I should be doing to ensure subsequent values are saved as well for that field?


<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
<Field name=“bio_fulltitle”>Head Bozo-in-Charge</Field>
<Field name=“officer_type”>


It’s possible to write a C# program that passes an array of PSFieldValue objects to a field, and if this field is defined to have multiple values, they will appear within the item.

(Personally, I’ve only done this in Java, but C# supports the same services).

However, the loader sample is a very simple program, and it doesn’t contain any logic to do this.
