Local/Global template referencing problem

I’m converting a template into a Global/Local template combination. The original template references a slot with code:

Get slot

#set($slotContents = $user.psoSlotTools.getSlotContents($sys.assemblyItem,“Core_Course_Information”,null))

Test to see if there is an entry in the slot

#if ($slotContents.size()!=0)
#set($coreItem = $slotContents.get(0).node)

This code sits at the top of the global template. The problem is that $coreItem isn’t visible from the local template.

I assume there may be some sort of binding I can set to reference the instance of $coreItem from the global template

Oh, and I’m using Rx 6.1



If you calculate $coreItem in the local template’s bindings, you can use it in the local and global template. You’ll want to make sure to test for it being present using #if before using it in the global template - otherwise you won’t be able to preview the global without errors.

Thanks Douglas - that works fine

