Localizing templates for database publishing

We are using database publishing to publish out entire snippet as a block of HMTL to columns in the database.

Now, when publishing snippet content we have to take into consideration localization which means if the content is in french then the content should be published out using the snippet template created for french content.

Supposing we have two snippet templates Sn_TitleAuthorDateLink_en-us and Sn_TitleAuthorDateLink_fr-ca, if the content is in french then the system should choose to publish the content using the Sn_TitleAuthorDateLink_fr-ca template.

Currently we are using something like this in bindings of our database publishing template

$row.rfh_SnTitleAuthorDateLink = $calloutItem = $sys.assemblyItem.clone() ;

I want to know if this is possible when using database publishing?
