We created a new content type and prepared the location scheme for it.
if($sys.site.url != “”){
$rootpathindx = $sys.site.url.indexOf(‘/’,7);
if($rootpathindx != -1){
$sitepath + $sys.pub_path + $sys.template.prefix + $sys.item.getProperty
(“rx:filename”).String + $sys.page_suffix + $rx.location.getFirstDefined
($sys.item,‘rx:activeimg_ext,rx:sys_suffix’, ‘.html’);
When I test the location scheme using the test editor, I see proper results. When I go ahead and publish my site, files are publishing in their respective folders. But inline links in a page pointing to the content type items are ignoring the $sys.pub_path variable and are just resolving with the filename. An inline link which should resolve to /test123/test.html is just resolving to /test.html. This is happening only for inline links pointing to the newly created content type. Inline links pointing to other content types are working fine.
Any ideas on why inline link is not using the proper location scheme to resolve the URL?