Location Scheme Question

The location scheme in this case is not publishing a filename or location. Any ideas would be helpful.

Context variable for site folder assembly and publishing:
$sys.pub_path + $rx.location.getFirstDefined($sys.item,‘rx:sys_title’) + ‘.html’


We have attached the output, please look at contentid number 1316, which will appear first in the xml list.

Is that the only content item that’s giving you trouble? You could try debugging the URL.

Not sure if it is a result of copy and paste but I noticed a space in:
‘rx:sys_tit le’
Should it be: ‘rx:sys_title’

VBulletin tends to stick spaces in the long words unless you use the CODE tags.

Currently this is the only content item that is causing us trouble. I did try to debug the content item but everything looks fine in debug mode. My concern is related to the location not being defined in the xml document I attached in my first post. I am guessing the problem is with the $sys.pub_path, I am not sure how this variable is populated.

Using your location scheme, I saw the same problem as on my previous location schemes: every page was published with the folder name as the file name.

This one worked for me, however:

$baseUrl = '';
$filename =$sys.item.getProperty('rx:sys_title').String;
$baseUrl + $sys.pub_path + $filename + '.html' 

The location scheme I’m using calls landing pages “index” and offers more flexibility with extensions, particularly for image files:

I found in Chapter 9 of the Implementation Guide, “sys.pub holds the file system path to which content is published. It consists of the path assigned to the item’s Content Explorer folder in its folder properties or if no path is assigned, the actual folder path holding the Content Item under the Site folder root in Content Explorer.”

When browsing the content explorer, a path is shown as: //Sites/ERAU/Academics/

When the index page for this site is published the path is: …/ERAU_Home.war/Sites/Root/Academics/index.html

So therefore my $sys.pub_path seems to be wrong, the value it is trying to pass is:

and not:


I think you may have overlooked part of the text you cited: “It consists of the path assigned to the item’s Content Explorer folder in its folder properties or if no path is assigned, the actual folder path holding the Content Item under the Site folder root in Content Explorer.”

Did you check the Folder properties to confirm that no publishing path was defined there?

Is this the only Content Item in the Folder //Sites/ERAU/Academics/?