Location scheme that does not publish out a page

Is it possible to create a location scheme that doesn’t actually publish out a page?

Basically we have a content type with a field of “No Content”. We use that field when we have no content to display on the page but we still want that item to be listed in a auto-slot with no link to it. However, I want my location scheme to also use that field and if its True not publish out anything. Thoughts?



You may be able to achieve a solution by creating a content listing that finds content items matching the desired content type and this “No Content” field is false (fields populated true would not publish). Let me know if this route would not work for you.

Thanks for response Riley. That sounds like it would work for me actually. Now the only trick is the “no content” field at the moment is a single checkbox with a value of true. If I’m not mistaking, I can’t use a != in a content list (or at least it doesn’t seem to work) so I’m guessing I"ll have to convert this to another type so that it can have a value of false.


You can match checkboxes that are not checked with IS NULL. I don’t know how the value is stored after a checkbox has been checked, then unchecked. It may be NULL or it may be an empty string. :\

Thanks Riley. The IS NULL was giving me inconsistent results, so I just converted the checkbox to a drop down, set a default value of false and had the user update her content items, adjusted the content list and voila it worked. I also had to adjust the incremental content list as well, but its working fine for us now. Thanks for your help on this.



You may be able to achieve a solution by creating a content listing that finds content items matching the desired content type and this “No Content” field is false (fields populated true would not publish). Let me know if this route would not work for you.[/QUOTE]

Can I ask what you mean by a content listing?

Was referencing “Content Lists” under Publishing Design

So you would need a special content list for this to work. Makes sense now. Thank you.