Location Schemes and MSM

hi all

the MSM documentation says “you cannot create a Location Scheme Package. to include a location scheme in an archive, create a package for an associated site and include the location scheme as a shared dependency”.

When I package up sites, specific location schemes are included under the relevant variant definition as ancestors. But i cannot select the location scheme - there is a checkbox but when i click it nothing happens.

anybody know what i am doing wrong.


Here’s an example starting from the FastForward FF5_Sites export descriptor that ships with the product:

Hopefully this will help

many thanks Jay

I forgot to add that you cannot select things you find by expanding the “Ancestors” nodes - those are shown for information purposes only.

Additionally, you can get to the Location Schemes by expanding the dependencies of an Edition, followed by its Context’s, and then you’ll see the Location Schemes as dependencies of the Context well.