Look and Feel - header image

Two words…“its huge”.

Could we just use the same image (or one around the same size) as the one at the main percussion.com site?

[QUOTE=davidrowe;86]Two words…“its huge”.

Could we just use the same image (or one around the same size) as the one at the main percussion.com site?[/QUOTE]

The look and feel of quotes is too bland. :eek: The quoted text should be shaded differently than the background of new text. I have quoted davidrowe above to show you what I mean - you can hardly tell it’s a quote.

I can put in an image, but it doesn’t show up on my posts. Only the sig does.

User adoption is about making things fun. Avatars should be allowed, just like smilies and other things.

Here’s an example of a vBulletin site with better use of shading and contrast to really help on eyes. Hopefully, this is easy enough to do. it’s really not eye candy either, it helps to make it more readable.

[QUOTE=vimrich;100]I can put in an image, but it doesn’t show up on my posts. Only the sig does.

User adoption is about making things fun. Avatars should be allowed, just like smilies and other things.[/QUOTE]

I think we can safely enable avatars and profile images (these things are just switched on / off in the Admin CP).

However, we could spend a very very long time messing with colors in the templates trying to get them “just so”. One premise of this system was that we could get it rolling quickly.

I think we should re-evaluate the look and feel once we have the “operational” stuff under control.

Smaller logo attached for you. And I have to second Vern’s motion to add a nice template, and the one he mentioned is pretty okay. When you ran across that one, Vern, did you happen to notice where that template is and if we are free to use it? Any other suggested templates out there?

One more thing… has anyone ever changed the “favicon” for a vBulletin board? I’m imagining that it’s something that you can only change if you pay for the licensed version, but I thought I’d ask.

  • aaron

The favicon file… for our usage on the bulletin board. Typically it’s saved with the extension “.ico”, but vBulletin wouldn’t let me upload a “.ico” file. Will this gif work?

On second thought… that one’s still too big. Can you use this smaller one instead?