Losing cursor in Content Explorer when editing content?

Our users have noticed that when they are navigating through the Content Explorer, and then then open up an item to edit it (in the editor popup window), their cursor position is lost when they return to the Content Explorer. In other words, they no longer have the same document (which they just edited) selected in the Content Explorer. Users are spending more time than they would like re-navigating to the item they were just editing.

Is there a configuration change we need to make? Or is this a bug? (or a feature? :wink:


This is a bug. This behavior had been seen before when performing a transition. I’ve updated that bug to include the behavior you saw.

Thanks. Dare I ask when this bug is expected to be fixed? :slight_smile:


It is currently scheduled to be fixed in our next major release due out in the 3rd quarter of this year. This is not a guarantee that it will be fixed in that release as we routinely review the list and move bugs around, but my guess is it will make it.