Lost Publishing Locations

I had 2 publishing setups. One for our Test Server and one for our Live server. I started getting strange errors when I was switching the “Set as Publish Now” preference back and forth, so I deleted one of the publishing setups.

Now, both setups are gone I can not publish at all. I also cannot create a new one.

Please help!

Hi Conan,

I’m going to open a support ticket so that I can take a look at your log files. Please check your inbox momentarily.


Thanks for your work on this! Our Publishing Locations are fixed and we are back in business!

That’s what I like to hear, Conan!

Hi Nathaniel,

Our Berlin site won’t publish. Do you still have a copy of our environment?

Forgot to mention: The publishing locations are there (unlike what happened to the Worldwide site) but for some reason, the pages just wont publish, they all time out after 10 minutes.

When I “Publish Now” on some pages, I get this message:

Conan, in your Publish > Reports > Publishing Log area, what is the status of the publish after it times-out, and are 0 pages listed as Published? I’m spinning up your instance locally to see if I can reproduce this, but I do know that invalid FTP credentials can sometimes lead to this type of behavior, so clarifying what’s being logged in the reports area might clear up what’s happening here.

Zero published, zero removed. The status just says Failed.

I also tested pages from our other sites and now realize that it’s not just the Berlin site, it’s all of them.

I logged into the CM1 server and the Live publishing server via SSH to see if my password had expired (which it does occasionally) and that was not the problem.

Our server guy wrote this:

I see no problems with the webserver. Your account and the oracle account are both unlocked and you have write permission to all the folders.

I did notice that the RXSITES table has a bunch of NULLs in it. Is this normal?

Hi Conan,

Sorry for the delay, I have just gotten out of a meeting and this is now my number one priority. Because this is affecting all of your sites and due to the nature of the error message, I’m wondering if this has to do with the custom proxy settings you have implemented with your instance.

To test whether this is the case, you’ll need to have your server team edit your server.xml file located at _{perc_root}\AppServer\server\rx\deploy\jboss-web.deployer_, find the Connector node near the top of the file that contains the port=“9992” property, and remove these two custom properties (host name has been edited out for privacy):

proxyName="host.name.com" proxyPort="443"

Once you’ve done that, ask them to restart the application and then access the server over its true (non-proxy) hostname and the HTTP port 9992. After logging in, have them attempt to publish an individual page in the same way you have to see if the error message still occurs.

Also, I’m going to open up a new support ticket so that you can share your log files, in case any further details are being logged. You should receive an email shortly.

This one is also solved!
