Lucene search indexing issue - index writer closed

In our upgraded fully patched 7.2 system (patched to CMS-475) Lucene will at random points (I think after a period of inactivity) start erroring with the following message and refuse to index any further content, with the same error each time, until the system is restarted.

Once restarted, items that previously displayed the error are able to be indexed again, until the index writer timeout happens again.

2013-08-14 08:56:25,499 ERROR [] Error indexing id 65744 and it has been skipped this IndexWriter is closed
at org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.ensureOpen(
at org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.flush(
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at$100(Unknown Source)
at$ Source)

I thought I might be able to force periodic index writer activity by scheduling a “search index type 315” to run every few minutes, thus not letting the index writer idle for any length of time (while not forcing it to index tonnes of content since that command just reindexes a few NavTrees). But using the Scheduled Task extension sys_runCommand to try to run search index type 315 just results in an error - cannot run program “search”…the system cannot find the file specified etc.

Anyone seen their index writer time out like this before? Anyone managed to schedule a console command to run periodically?

Cheers, Andrew

This looks like a bug introduced by the Indexing fixes in a recent patch. I would log an issue with support for this if you haven’t already.


[QUOTE=allana;20825]In our upgraded fully patched 7.2 system (patched to CMS-475) Lucene will at random points (I think after a period of inactivity) start erroring with the following message and refuse to index any further content, with the same error each time, until the system is restarted.

Once restarted, items that previously displayed the error are able to be indexed again, until the index writer timeout happens again.

2013-08-14 08:56:25,499 ERROR [] Error indexing id 65744 and it has been skipped this IndexWriter is closed
at org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.ensureOpen(
at org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.flush(
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at$100(Unknown Source)
at$ Source)

I thought I might be able to force periodic index writer activity by scheduling a “search index type 315” to run every few minutes, thus not letting the index writer idle for any length of time (while not forcing it to index tonnes of content since that command just reindexes a few NavTrees). But using the Scheduled Task extension sys_runCommand to try to run search index type 315 just results in an error - cannot run program “search”…the system cannot find the file specified etc.

Anyone seen their index writer time out like this before? Anyone managed to schedule a console command to run periodically?

Cheers, Andrew[/QUOTE]