Major template hangup

I’ve just built out my company’s site in CM1 using a couple different templates, but one in particular holds about 90% of the subpages on the site. Now when i go to make a change to that template the application hangs up and displays an error box with no explanation, and prompts me again to save my changes. After this happened, in the design center my templates don’t show up anymore. I’ve cleared history, cache and tried 4 different browsers. there are no scripts running on this template either.

running short on ideas here on what could be the culprit.

Hey Kyle,

The first thing I would try would be to create a copy of this template and attempt to manipulate the copy, to see if there might be a bad database relationship going on here (possibly with the local page content that loads in the faded view).

To copy your template, follow the process in this clip:

Let me know if you have any trouble either copying this template, or working with the copy of the template.

Hey Nathaniel,

I can’t make a copy of the template because the the design manager doesn’t populate with my sites templates. I built out 7 of them and have not had a problem so far. This is all it shows me. and any time try to assign a template to a page, CM1 isnt populating the template selector.

Hi Kyle,

I’m going to create a support ticket for this issue so you can share some of your log files with me. Please check your inbox momentarily for a notification from our support portal.

We discovered a bug in the system that was leading to database locks on certain tables when performing certain actions. The behavior is that certain connections made to Percussion services would sit in pending indefinitely, and no errors would be logged on the system end. This bug has been corrected in the re-released build of 3.1, version 3.1.6.