Managed Navigation - pull from specific slot


I want my horizontal navigation to pull from one slot (rffSubmenu) and my vertical navigation pull form another (leftNavMenu). I was told this is possible using #node_slot, but I am unaware how to implement it.

Is this the correct way? Can someone provide me some guidance. Tech support will not assist me with this issue because it’s an implementation problem, not a tech problem.

The biggest issue I see with using NodeSlot is that you will lose the hierarchical nature of Managed Navigation. If you ever need to move “up a level” to find the horizontal navigation in that higher level, you won’t be able to do that with this approach.

One thing we have done in the past is mark the Navons that belong in a separate category with a flag checkbox. We can then render the 2 different navigation templates (horizontal and vertical) by selecting all nodes that have the checkbox or don’t.
