Means to choose which Sites and Communities are visible for users to search

We’d love to have the means to choose which Sites and Communities are visible for users to search.

We built off of the Fast Forward content types but did not install the FF content, but why must we go through the rigamarole of removing the Fast Forward communities so they don’t appear as a searchable option?

More critically, we have a staging site that maps to the same //Sites root as the production site. Staging publishes to a web server inside our firewall and uses a broader definition than the production site for publishable workflow states, but the identical root is causing issues. The problem occurs when users search to relate content items (slots or inline) and the results pane displays duplicates of every result item - one for the Prod site, one for the Staging site. With our environment configured to included the sys_siteid by default, it is way too common for a user to accidentally insert the Staging item version. Then the link is interpreted to be a cross-site link once the item workflows to the Public state. I built a catch for this in the Site_Folder_Assembly Context, but it would be really nice to just suppress the display of the Staging site items completely.