Migration Documentation

Hi -

I’m preparing to migrate from our current production boxes to new ones - v 6.5.2. I had a document re migrating for v 5.7 but can’t find one here in the documentation threads. Does such an animal exist, and if so where may I find it?



I’m not clear what you mean. Are you moving your Rhythmyx implementation to new machines? Or do you mean you are upgrading from 5.7 to 6.5.2?


I’m moving our current tree and db over to new servers. I had a document from tech support that had instructions on how to back up and copy in order to move them. Or maybe I can just copy the tree over as is after I install the CMS on the new server?


When we overwrite one 6.5.2 system with a copy of another 6.5.2 system, we shut down both servers, reboot the destination server (if on Windows to free up the filetree directory), blow away the destination system’s database and replace it with a copy of source’s, do the same with the entire Rhythmyx file tree except for the following files:
But, the two systems’ file trees must be installed in the same location on their respective servers (e.g. if the source system is installed at D:\Rhythmyx on one server, the destination must also be installed at D:\Rhythmyx on its server.) If not, there are many other files to be modified, including \AppServer\server\rx\deploy\rxapp.ear\rxapp.war\WEB-INF\web.xml but possibly also files in the ObjectStore folder. We never managed to get it to work, gave up, and reinstalled Rhythmyx so that all systems’ filetrees were in the same place.


We added new content on this topic to a recent update of Setting Up the Production Environment. See “Deploying a Rhythmyx Environment”, p. 11.


Thanks for the replies, they are helpful. I’m writing a deployment doc and wanted to quote some Percussion material in it.

To clarify my original post, I had a document from Tech Support that outlined how to copy the Rx repository and tree to move them - actually to our FTP space for Tech Support. I was planning to use the same process for a migration.


Please see my post on this topic:
