Mirror Publish in 6.5.2

I need to publish to a production web server as well as a disaster recovery server as a hot backup. Is the mirror publish what I want in Rhythmyx 6.5.2? and if so, how do I configure? There is no info in the documentation. Thanks


The current recommended solution for this requirement is to use a synchronization tool, such as rsync.

Implementing Mirror Editions is no longer recommended practice.



We use the rsynch approach here at the Natural History Museum. Rx publishes to a local folder and the content is then pushed to the live website, a mirror site and a back-up site. It takes a while to complete after a full publish, but works well. The rsynch ‘trigger’ is a content list in each of our ‘Live’ Editions.


Thank you for the replies. Not what I wanted to hear, but very helpful.